Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dream #1 - 7.26.10 - 7.27.10

Last night's dream was quite ridiculous. It centered around my friend Kristi, and her apparent crush on TV's Annie Wersching. Like, she was infatuated with Annie and not in the lame "omg lesbians" sort of way. It seemed like a completely legitimate crush. Unfortunately, Annie was being courted by a kid I knew from high school (Alex). His moves were apparently working, and this devastated Kristi. She came to me, crying, telling me how upset she was. I told her I would help her win Annie over, using the same techniques that Alex was using. Kristi was having a lot of success, pretty quickly.

It was here I was awoken by the fire marshal inspecting my apartment. I don't know if Kristi was ultimately successful, I hope she was, but I don't know for sure.