Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dream #2 - 7.31.10 - 8.1.10

I was awoken soon after falling asleep for the first time by my first dream of the night. Somehow, my friend David and I got back into my Courtyards apartment (which I just moved out of). Everything was back in its place, and we were getting served food like we had gone to Cornerstone. Both of us had our beers, and he got served a burger or sandwich, and I went with the chicken fingers. I finished very quickly (which was odd), and the waitress, who was an older women who looked like she worked in a diner rather than Cornerstone cleaned up our dishes. She was pretty pleasant and friendly. Shortly there after, I began to feel really drunk even though I just had one beer (or maybe it was whiskey and ginger ale). She came back, was cleaning up my kitchen -- I had been eating at the counter, and Dave on the couch -- and asked if there was anything I had to say that she could tell the chef. I mumbled something about it being very good, and Dave had disappeared. While she was cleaning, I was getting drunker and finally ended up looking at where our liquor bottles used to sit and then just vomited. As I was throwing up, the lights dimmed as if it was the closing of an act in a play, with me just kinda laying my head on the counter near a pool of vomit. It was during this point I became aware I was dreaming and tried to wake myself. Only once the lights had fully dim did I wake up from the unpleasant dream.

My second dream that night took place on campus around the CSIC building at UMD. First, I was looking for a friend of mine named Sam for some reason that I can't remember. I was walking up the hill by Regents garage, but the terrain was a bit different, when some girl asked me to take a picture of her and her friends. As I was focusing the camera, the group split up and ran around, gathering in a different spot. I followed and focused again but they split up again. This went on for a while, before I got fed up and handed the camera back to the girl and told her I was too busy for this. I continued my search for Sam in CSIC, even though she's not a CS major, and decided to stop in this class I used to take. It was some boring class, but it was being taught by a HS teacher of mine instead of a college professor. I acted like an ass and she responded pretty flirty (hey oh!), but this still didn't help me find Sam. The dream ended shortly after with me just hanging out in this class causing trouble.

Sleepless Nights

I haven't slept more than 5 hours each of the past two nights, which is not conducive to dreaming. I am sorry I have let all you faithful readers down.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Night of 7.27.10 - 7.28.10

Not a real memorable dream. The only part I remember involves me trying to program something for someone, but halfway through I realize I'm programming in the wrong language (who wants things written in OCaml anyway?). I've probably been doing too much work recently, so now I have programming leaking into my dreams. Thankfully, this should subside soon since I'm done this week.

Hopefully better dreams tonight

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dream #1 - 7.26.10 - 7.27.10

Last night's dream was quite ridiculous. It centered around my friend Kristi, and her apparent crush on TV's Annie Wersching. Like, she was infatuated with Annie and not in the lame "omg lesbians" sort of way. It seemed like a completely legitimate crush. Unfortunately, Annie was being courted by a kid I knew from high school (Alex). His moves were apparently working, and this devastated Kristi. She came to me, crying, telling me how upset she was. I told her I would help her win Annie over, using the same techniques that Alex was using. Kristi was having a lot of success, pretty quickly.

It was here I was awoken by the fire marshal inspecting my apartment. I don't know if Kristi was ultimately successful, I hope she was, but I don't know for sure.