Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Retro Dream #1

Since I haven't had any dreams of note lately, I'm going to describe a dream I had in the past that I can still remember. This dream is the oldest dream I can remember, I had it sometime in middle school when my friend Jeff still lived down the street from me.

My brother and I were hanging out at my friend Jeff's house, which was down the street, along with his sister who was my brother's age. We were outside, and in his yard Jeff has a shed behind some pine trees, which has a bench next to it. Beyond that, at the time of this dream anyway, is a large field that eventually leads to some businesses.

Anyway, in this dream, there was a giant monster chained to the bench near the field. This thing was like a Yeti, except much, much taller. He was roaring and stuff, so naturally all of us fled into Jeff's house. We stayed upstairs in a room where we used to play video games. I think there was a crib in there, which may have been because Jeff's parents just had another kid. Nothing really happened in the dream from then on, we watched the monster chained to this little wooden bench just roaring and occasionally throwing things. I think at some point we went out there to get close to it, but it didn't seem to care about us one bit.


It was pretty scary as a kid, and probably one of my first "nightmares." Must be the reason I still remember it, 15 years later.

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